Monday, February 2, 2009

Sydney Writers Centre - Feature Writing Workshop

Sydney Writers Centre - my mission of learning continues!

When I saw the feature writing course at the Sydney Writers Centre, I knew I had to attend! As luck would have it, the course that ran in November was already full when I came across it. I was still overseas when the two-day intensive course ran in January. And last night MY course finally started! You can imagine how excited I was after waiting for 3 months!

And my expectations were definitely rewarded! The 2 hours went by way too quickly and I can't wait for next week! Judy Skatssoon, the presenter, is great! She is energetic and knowledgeable and makes everyone feel like they have something to offer.

We talked about everything from news and feature article characteristics, to the history of New Journalism, and market characteristics. But what impressed me most were the article ideas we came up with, simply by brainstorming some of the newspapers and thinking outside the box. I love seeing how an individual's knowledge, experience and background influence the way they interpret an article and come up with new angles!

Well, the course will be running once a week for the next 5 weeks and cover topics such as finding ideas, interviewing, writing and structuring, pitching and selling, and maintaining contacts and much more.

Iam off working on my article ideas! Will keep you posted on my progress.

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